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IN THE LATEST EPISODE OF THE HOSPITALITY HANGOUT PODCAST, MICHAEL SCHATZBERG “THE RESTAURANT GUY” AND JIMMY FRISCHLING “THE FINANCE GUY” SIT DOWN WITH Michael Jacober, Founder & CEO of Blanket, to discuss finding human capital solutions in the digital world for restaurant operators struggling amidst the coronavirus crisis.

With years of experience in the hospitality and computer software industry, Jacober designed Blanket as a task management solution and communication tool for companies with active, mobile employees. With real time functionality and a streamlined interface, the platform keeps staff accountable and allows for seamless, consistent communication. Since COVID-19, Blanket has been tracking employee health and general store health for participating businesses, providing real-time insights to operators who need to act fast in critical situations.

Tune in to learn more. You can subscribe and listen to Hospitality Hangout Podcast on Spotify or directly on the Foodable Network.

For information and how to become involved with Blanket, please get in touch with us directly.