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IN THE LATEST EPISODE OF THE HOSPITALITY HANGOUT PODCAST, MICHAEL SCHATZBERG “THE RESTAURANT GUY” AND JIMMY FRISCHLING “THE FINANCE GUY” SIT DOWN WITH Ivan Matkovic, the founder and chief executive officer of Spendgo, to explore the ins and outs of cultivating customer loyalty.

Established in 2010, Spendgo is a loyalty and customer engagement platform designed to serve restaurants and retailers nationwide. Spendgo is committed to helping businesses increase sales and customer frequency through technology and a digital customer experience.

“We look at [loyalty] as a membership program, creating exclusivity and personal relationships with these members who have committed their time to engaging with your brand,” says Matkovic. “That’s what technology has allowed us to enable.”

When studying your loyalty program, Matkovic encourages operators to examine the membership experience in terms of three key performance indicators: sign-ups, adoption rate, and the incentive redemption rate.

Tune in to learn more. You can subscribe and listen to Hospitality Hangout Podcast on Spotify or directly on the Foodable Network.

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